BEI France more than 20 years experience
Mrs. Dominique PLASSE, is the owner of BEI France, and has gained
more than 20 years experience in this field.
She has successfully secured numerous partnerships within
the countries of, Eastern Europe, the Middle East, North and South Africa.
BEI FRANCE continues to search out new partnerships and is in the process
of securing new partners in South America.
The continued success of BEI France, is due to our logistical means of moving products efficiently, and our 20-year reputation as a reliable and trustworthy company.
BEI France is expanding the company into the European Trade Market as a respected exporter and importer.
With our company’s expansion we will be able to offer our clients an extensive variety
of products, from a wider range of companies.
Our newest products are ecologically friendly and biodegradable baby diapers.
Through strategic negotiations with various manufacturers,
BEI France at times is able to offer large one time shipments
of products to clients at a greatly reduced price.